The cases I offer, made in the USA, are designed to fit my asymmetrical hammered dulcimers.
I generally have cases available for my
15/14 or 16/15 with 1" string spacing. They are Maroon in color with a black interior.
All soft cases have a full pocket for accessories and a shoulder strap for ease of carrying.
My case price is $155
shipping $20-30

If I don't have a case, I recommended the custom case builder Coon Hollow Canvas. Coon Hollow has all of my patterns. You will be responsible for the transaction. My preference is that the case you order be shipped to me prior to completion of your instrument so I have something to protect your dulcimer during shipment.
If you order an instrument that has dampers and or the tri/flat-stander, you'll definitely need a custom case. Coon Hollow can provide a case that will accommodate the pedal, legs, other accessories and the depth of such an instrument.
A case for Air Travel?
Although I no longer sell the EXPO case, you can read about this option here and get information on ordering this case directly from the distributor.
Hammered Dulcimer Covers
I now can offer hammered dulcimer covers designed to fit your dulcimer perfectly. Made of quality upholstery fabric with 5" side flaps that keep the cover in place. Ideal for protecting your dulcimer from errant cats, fingernails and of course dust. Easy to just strip off and get to playing. No need to put your instrument away in a case. Please specify which of my dulcimers you own. If you would like a cover and you don't have one of my instruments, just tape a couple of newspapers together, draw the outline. Make sure you leave at least 1/2" more paper outside your outline. Send that with a check for the total amount. We'll make one to fit. Please specify which fabric option you'd like.
Price is $55 plus $15 shipping
If you want to just order the fabric, specify the color and amount. The rolls we have are 60" wide, Cost of a generous yard would be $20 plus the $15 shipping.