a few hd books
Here are a few instructional resources; a beginning instructional book as well as some specific listings not found through other places. A lot of teachers are now offering online classes. YouTube is also a good resource for learning. I suggest you subscribe to Dulcimer Players News to discover more educational opportunities to include information about workshops and gatherings dedicated to the hammered dulcimer.

by Dr Mark Allen Wade $20 plus $5 shipping unless purchased with a dulcimer. This book and accompanying audio are designed for a rank beginner who knows nothing about the hammered dulcimer, providing them the tools to make music right away.

by Steve Shmania $28 plus $5 shipping unless purchased with a dulcimer. The book provides a music theory primer helping you to learn to play in any key in the equal temperament scale. The book defines scales, chords, inversions, enhancements, substitutions, progressions and their playing patterns on the Linear Chromatic. It also covers putting it all together to play traditional, jazz, blues and classical music. There are now two versions of the book; one using the Standard Marking and the other using the Piano Marking system. When ordering make sure you specify which version of the book you'd like.
(Specify Standard or Piano Marking Version)

by William M Jones (my father) $5 PDF version. Arranged for the Hammer Dulcimer. Suggested ways to perform over 30 tunes on a 12/11 or 15/14. In standard notation.